A flurry of colours flooded into my eyes, all over the class room there was just colours. Pink, blue, brown, red, all of them! I almost thought I was a captain on a ship, a ship in the middle of a ocean full of colours! Pretend chains dragged behind people, people dragging along pretend chains! Ragged hair, black and brown smudges on everyone’s faces, all in the middle of the ocean!?

I’ll tell you what was going on…

It was Convict Day, where all the children in year 4 dress-up as a convict! You see, this term we’ve been learning about the first fleet, we also have researched things about one convict. I researched Betty/Elizabeth Mason. Before she became a convict, she was a maid, so, I dressed up as a maid.


If you were stuck in any timeline in any place, where/when would you go? 1980’s, 

1740’s,1830’s any time (just not in the future.)