Nativity play



“Who is this king?! There can not be a threat to my throne!” Shouted cruel king Herod. That is one of my lines that I played in the Nativity play.

We did a play about the nativity. I was king Herod. First we looked at the nativity in books, then we wrote the scenes. Then we choose our parts, I wanted king Herod and I got king Herod! Then we practised and practised. The first performance we did was for the nursing home that we go to every term, next the year 2s and the parents. Now we don’t have to perform again.

A challenge through out this nativity was that I had to be much louder and meaner because I was really mean. I worked to overcome this by trying to get louder every time. Over all I really enjoyed performing to the parents, year 2s and the residents at the nursing home.

Have you ever performed in a play before? What role did you play?



Droughts Information report

This term we were researching about natural disasters.

I researched and wrote my own information report about droughts. 


We ended the unit by creating dioramas to show our understandings and shared them with our year 2 buddies. Here is my diorama:



Whilst creating my diorama I most enjoyed when I finally finished and looked at it and felt really proud of myself.

Leave a comment telling me about a natural disaster that you have heard about.


And then we created life!!

Finally the light flickered on. Soraya and I high-fived each other. We had finally created a person, (or a monster) alive!! Mwah ha haaaaaaaa!! Just Joking, we had just made a light go on. But it was really fun. We put different materials in these clips, like copper, rubber, even a popsicle stick, to see witch on took the electricity out of the battery and transferred it to the light, causing it to flicker on. Well it’s not as exciting as a monster coming alive! But we did go to the senior school lab to do all the experiments.

My only complaint is that there were too many stairs to get up there!

Have you ever tried getting a light to go using materials in your house?


Time to science!!

Today hands on science came to school! Well our school. We did all of these cool experiments testing different materials for flammability, insulation, moisture absorption and strength. In other words we were testing the properties of different materials.

My favourite experiment is written below:

Aim: to see which type of paper is strongest.

Materials (all types of paper)

  • Butcher
  • Paper towel 
  • Newsprint 
  • Tissue 
  • Copy paper

Materials (not paper)

  • Spring balance 
  • Table


  1. On the edge of the table hang the spring balance
  2. Place one piece of paper on the hook
  3. Pull paper until it breaks measure the amount of Newton’s counted
  4. Recorded this discovery on a clean piece of paper
  5. Continue with all the pieces of paper

Which type of paper do you hypothesise will be the strongest?


Convict Day!!

A flurry of colours flooded into my eyes, all over the class room there was just colours. Pink, blue, brown, red, all of them! I almost thought I was a captain on a ship, a ship in the middle of a ocean full of colours! Pretend chains dragged behind people, people dragging along pretend chains! Ragged hair, black and brown smudges on everyone’s faces, all in the middle of the ocean!?

I’ll tell you what was going on…

It was Convict Day, where all the children in year 4 dress-up as a convict! You see, this term we’ve been learning about the first fleet, we also have researched things about one convict. I researched Betty/Elizabeth Mason. Before she became a convict, she was a maid, so, I dressed up as a maid.


If you were stuck in any timeline in any place, where/when would you go? 1980’s, 

1740’s,1830’s any time (just not in the future.)


Indigenous Research Question

As part of our history unit, we studied Indigenous culture.

We had to think creatively about our videos and how to put them together. We also learned how to research and show our sources. 

Here is my group’s video:

Hope you enjoyed it. Did you learn everything new?What? If not, do you know anything else?


Year 4 excursion

Red dust sweeps up as we walk down the stairs, all around us is red hot sand. Nothing but red, hot sand. 

I asked Bridget our guide, what it was. 

“This is Red Sand Garden.” She said. No surprise there! 

“Are we allowed in?” My friend asked. 

“No. It’s man made. Can’t go in there, my boss would kill me!” Every one laughed at this. “Come on, time to go to the picnic ground. Time for snack!”

When we arrived at the picnic ground, Bridget put down a blue piece of thin plastic on the ground. We sat down and munched and crunched on our snacks. When we finished, all of the year four split up. We were going to do some indigenous art paintings. There was a big rock that had some hand prints on it. We made some paint using water, some colourful rocks and we used a smaller rock to rub it to make paint. Then we rubbed it on our hands in it and printed our hands on the rock. 

Next it was lunch time. I had salt bread and an Easter egg. 

We ate it where we started from. Red Sand Garden. 

When we all finished, Bridget told us that it was time to go back to school. 

“Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!” The whole of year 4 screamed. “Not school again!” But that didn’t help. We walked extra slowly so we could stay there for a bit longer. When we finally got back to school, everyone was exhausted. Including me. I was really looking forward to putting my feet up! 

Can you tell me some more information about the indigenous culture? 


Hedley Sutton



I felt the warmth of the radiator on my face. It was nice to come into a warm room after you’ve been on a freezing cold bus. The sound of chatter filled my ears. The divine smell of food entered my noes. That funny feeling of excitedness and nervousness filled my insides. We were finally here at Hedly Sutton, the nursing home.

4T went to Hedly Sutton Aged Care Facilitate for part of our community service in year four. Do you want to know what happened? Well dive right in.

At the start, the people in 4T who plays an instrument played for all the residents there. I played one of my favourite songs, Black Berry Blossom. It is a very good song, like Black Berry Blossoms swaying in the breeze. Any way, next we went around the room and told all the residents about us. We even made a poem! 

My poem.

Have you ever been to an Aged Care Facility? Did you enjoy it? Tell me!


Avatars are awesome

Hello Before 4T made our blog we made an avatar. What’s that you say? What’s an avatar? Why is it important? Well I’m glad you came to this post. This post is all about avatars.

An avatar is a made up character that is put on a blog. Also in 4T we made our avatars look exactly like ourselves. It is perfect for blogs, because you can’t show your face online. It can look like you, but not exactly. 

Now, I wonder why an avatar is important? 

An avatar is important because you can’t show your face online. But it’s not all about rules. Making avatars are very fun to make. 

Now do you know what avatar is? Will you make one? If you said yes to both those questions I want you to tell me what your avatar will look like in the comments.

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