What to look forward to this year

Dear Future Year 4’s, 

I hear you’re coming up to 4LX next year.

Here’s three things you should know: 

•  you need to have more responsibility with the buddies

•   when your at the nursing home every term you have to be loud so they can hear you.

•  when your on camp you have to be ready for staying up late and being away from your family.

A couple of things to look forward to are:

•  camp because there a massive swing that is so much fun

•  nursing home because you get to perform the nativity.
A time I laughed was when I wasn’t loud enough during the play and I kept shouting but I still wasn’t loud enough.

A time I was challenged was when I was learning how to do the times tables. 

I am proud of how I’m almost finished learning the times tables.

I always remember Mrs Lennox saying keep smiling.


Nativity play



“Who is this king?! There can not be a threat to my throne!” Shouted cruel king Herod. That is one of my lines that I played in the Nativity play.

We did a play about the nativity. I was king Herod. First we looked at the nativity in books, then we wrote the scenes. Then we choose our parts, I wanted king Herod and I got king Herod! Then we practised and practised. The first performance we did was for the nursing home that we go to every term, next the year 2s and the parents. Now we don’t have to perform again.

A challenge through out this nativity was that I had to be much louder and meaner because I was really mean. I worked to overcome this by trying to get louder every time. Over all I really enjoyed performing to the parents, year 2s and the residents at the nursing home.

Have you ever performed in a play before? What role did you play?




Comment Bonanza Month! We all shout into the sea of children. 

We were talking about August, because for all of the upper classes August isn’t just some ordinary month, BORING!  We decided August should be…


We were in assembly and telling every one about it. Now I’ll tell you what comment bonaza month actually is. It’s where we all compete against most of the upper classes to get the most comments and also to teach others how to do spectacular comments! 

So unfortunately it’s over, because now that you know about it, now it’s over. Because you could comment on my blog and help our class to win! But even though it’s over, you can still comment!






Harold the giraffe

Now I know you’ll probably be thinking that a we went to the zoo, but guess what we didn’t! The giraffe came to us!

Okay if I’m truthful the giraffe was a puppet but if he was real and he could still talk he would be really funny, well either way he’s really funny.

Let me explain. Life Ed van came to our school. For those of you who don’t know what the life Ed van is I’ll tell you, it comes to our school every year, we learn about how to live a happy life. Last year it was about your body, and how it works, then the year before that it was about the food you should eat and the balance that you need to live a long life.

Okay now I’ll tell you about this year, as I told you already, it was about cyber safety. Here are a few things I learnt.

  1. That online you might take things the complete wrong way than the sender meant.

  2. That there’s tons and tons of mean and careless people out there. That is why we have to be careful online.

(Okay this has nothing to do with what I learned but I really want to tell some one, my friend who I can’t say her name, kissed Harold! The puppet! Her first boy friend!)


Have you ever had life Ed van come to your school? What was it about? 


ELC Reading!

We walk through the door, immediately the sounds of a lullaby fills my ears. Little babies sleeping in warm cots. I feel like falling asleep myself. We all walk outside to read our stories to the little kids. Straight away I sat down and started to read to the kids.

They’re soooooo cute!! 

“Can we lick the spoon now?” I say “no, not yet.”

I can remember the whole story off by heart! I had to read over 5 times to the same kids. I got paired up with a boy, whenever I asked what his name was all he said ROARRRRRR!! It  When we had to go, he grabbed my hand and said don’t go! It was so cute. And since we read a book about chocolate cake, he made me promise to make sure his mummy made a chocolate cake for him. 

Have you ever read a book to young kids? What book was it? Did you enjoy it? 


Time to science!!

Today hands on science came to school! Well our school. We did all of these cool experiments testing different materials for flammability, insulation, moisture absorption and strength. In other words we were testing the properties of different materials.

My favourite experiment is written below:

Aim: to see which type of paper is strongest.

Materials (all types of paper)

  • Butcher
  • Paper towel 
  • Newsprint 
  • Tissue 
  • Copy paper

Materials (not paper)

  • Spring balance 
  • Table


  1. On the edge of the table hang the spring balance
  2. Place one piece of paper on the hook
  3. Pull paper until it breaks measure the amount of Newton’s counted
  4. Recorded this discovery on a clean piece of paper
  5. Continue with all the pieces of paper

Which type of paper do you hypothesise will be the strongest?


Convict Day!!

A flurry of colours flooded into my eyes, all over the class room there was just colours. Pink, blue, brown, red, all of them! I almost thought I was a captain on a ship, a ship in the middle of a ocean full of colours! Pretend chains dragged behind people, people dragging along pretend chains! Ragged hair, black and brown smudges on everyone’s faces, all in the middle of the ocean!?

I’ll tell you what was going on…

It was Convict Day, where all the children in year 4 dress-up as a convict! You see, this term we’ve been learning about the first fleet, we also have researched things about one convict. I researched Betty/Elizabeth Mason. Before she became a convict, she was a maid, so, I dressed up as a maid.


If you were stuck in any timeline in any place, where/when would you go? 1980’s, 

1740’s,1830’s any time (just not in the future.)

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