Red dust sweeps up as we walk down the stairs, all around us is red hot sand. Nothing but red, hot sand. 

I asked Bridget our guide, what it was. 

“This is Red Sand Garden.” She said. No surprise there! 

“Are we allowed in?” My friend asked. 

“No. It’s man made. Can’t go in there, my boss would kill me!” Every one laughed at this. “Come on, time to go to the picnic ground. Time for snack!”

When we arrived at the picnic ground, Bridget put down a blue piece of thin plastic on the ground. We sat down and munched and crunched on our snacks. When we finished, all of the year four split up. We were going to do some indigenous art paintings. There was a big rock that had some hand prints on it. We made some paint using water, some colourful rocks and we used a smaller rock to rub it to make paint. Then we rubbed it on our hands in it and printed our hands on the rock. 

Next it was lunch time. I had salt bread and an Easter egg. 

We ate it where we started from. Red Sand Garden. 

When we all finished, Bridget told us that it was time to go back to school. 

“Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!” The whole of year 4 screamed. “Not school again!” But that didn’t help. We walked extra slowly so we could stay there for a bit longer. When we finally got back to school, everyone was exhausted. Including me. I was really looking forward to putting my feet up! 

Can you tell me some more information about the indigenous culture?